
Should, could, can: Movement within the relationship of law, norm and life, a practice in social and empathy choreography.

Being subjects of law and norms, in what way is movement possible? Law and regulations have an impact on our lives. Law and regulations seem to determine and regulate what we are allowed to do and how our lives can potentially unfold. This workshop proposes to explore the relationship between law, regulation and movement. It wonders how the law enables and/or disables movement, observing how movements, gestures and actions are conditioned by a normative matrix.

Based on the postulate of the legal theorist Hans Kelsen, who says that in every normative system a hierarchy of duties can be traced and that in the specific case of the law, «duty» is backed by force: if it does not obey, it will be punished; according to Kelsen, the law determines behaviors that are required as an obligation; some are authorized or empowered; and others are allowed. I should, I could, I can respectively.

The Laboratory Should, Could, Can proposes a practice on social choreography about the way in which laws and norms organize behavior and social life. It proposes a choreographic score that tries to put the body in motion in a direct relationship with the law. This score will be explored in different kinds of domestic and public spaces, as if to explore how the body moves around the specific norm of each place. Here, the notion of choreography applies to fields beyond dance (such as law and the rules) in order to find bodily practices for social dialogue and possible micro emancipations. It is a way of practicing citizenship by speaking, acting and dancing.


In Tanzkongress 2019, Hellerau: 11 – 12 mayo, 2019, Dresden, Germany.

In Collective Conditions, 11 de November 2019, Brussels, Belgium.

In Improspekcije 2021: May 31, 2021, Europe/Zagreb, online.

In La Escuela: del 07.03.2023 — 21.03.2023 modalidad online.

In Nave: 29th june 2023, Santiago de Chile.

Archive Laboratory with Varinia Canto Vila.

Free activity, prior registration.

During the last month of October and November 2019, public space is a place of massive meetings of social and political struggles. In these encounters bodies live, act and move in ways outside of what is considered common. If the body is an archive, and social events are immaterial and ephemeral moments (which cease to exist when they are not acted upon or activated), this laboratory seeks to find ways to inscribe the experience of the body during the «Chile despertó» demonstrations. Once our experiences have been archived, we will go out into public space to activate them and to see how, from their silence, they can speak louder than the voices that are already silent and for those that are no longer here in this life.

This laboratory seeks to understand the way art, the body and politics enter into dialogue from a performative perspective.


Meeting place: Casa Danza Cultural Center, Rogelio Ugarte 1585.


Deliberately I want to call MODULATIONS a workshop and a laboratory. With these two words, I hope to frame a research and learning session that is based on the transmission of some exploratory principles of the dancing body that have interested me in my dancer and creator’s whereabouts, inviting the participants to work on them from their own bodies and ways of moving. In this workshop-laboratory, no phrasing nor repertoire extracts will be taught, but the ideas will be transmitted in order to be tested, tried out and investigated.

The daily 6 hours workshop-laboratory will be structured in 2 parts: in the first half of the workshop, the principles will be worked out precisely and conscientiously; and in the second half of the laboratory, the principles will be implemented in different dynamics and improvisation situations. I propose the participants prepare their bodies in a personal way according to their own warm-up rituals so as to prepare their body as needed.

The principles to be explored will be the following: the relationship between movement and the visual field; the active body v / s passive body; the modification of our movements under different operations such as amplitude, intensity, presence v / s absence, doing and being; body as materiality; and dance as collage. The ultimate goal of all this is to see to what extent different modulations can be created between the different principles and between the different criteria of each principle, creating, perhaps, a dance that is in a thousand places and nowhere at the same time.


24th September to 5th October 2018 ProfTraining

05/07 – 16/07 2021 en Asociación Aorça, en Lagos, Portugal

Stories we tell ourselves

Workshop by Varinia Canto Vila

This workshop revisits movement ideas, -worlds and dimensions I was invited to develop in Meg Stuart’s work. Rather than practicing these as scores or techniques, we practice with an awareness that something else is always happening simultaneously, something bigger – even while we do not try to make it happen. In the workshop we will look at fiction as a tool to create a place for our investigations. We will talk to ourselves while moving, like children playing with imaginary toys, and make noises, as if we were creating soundtracks for movies produced on the spot. We may end up dancing like we’re alone. Emotions will inform the temperature of our involvement. We might veer into pathos, but always through a thorough search for sensibility, content and knowledge.

I have participated in several of Meg Stuart’s creations: Highway 101 (2000), Soft Wear (2000),  VIOLET (2011) and confirm humanity (2022). For VIOLET, the proposition was to create a choreography that would function in the same way as alchemy. We investigate and develop movement, as if we have injected our bodies with new properties that allow us to transform and travel through other states of being. Similarly, in this workshop we will explore whether movement can take us to different dimensions – spatial, mental or temporal – and how this influences our experience of the here and now. But instead of a scientific approach, we nourish a personal and spiritual journey into what it means to dance, to move and be moved at the same time.

Organized together with Damaged Goods/ Meg Stuart:


Ponderosa Stolzenhagen: 1-3 September 2023, Stolzenhagen, Germany.

Tic Tac Center: 11-15 Septiembre 2023, Brussels, Belgium.