From August to December: creation and exhibition of solo MUNDOS in CEINA, Parque Cultural Valparaíso, Balmaceda Arte Joven and Centro Cultural Siglo XXI. Financed by Performing Arts Fund / Stage production / Production of stage productions, Call 2023.
November 5 – April 2024: Participates as a performer/dancer in the creation AWA by Javiera Peón-Veiga in Santiago de Chile.
October 28 to November 4: Participated as a performer/dancer in Remains Persist by Moriah Evan at Moca in Los Angeles, United States: https://www.moca.org/program/moriah-evans-remains-persist
September 11-15: Workshop Stories we tell ourselves, in Tic Tac Center in Brussels, Belgium
September 9: Participates in 25 years Tanznacht Berlin in Berlin, Germany. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv9lP7mt9YP/?img_index=1
September 1-3, gives workshop Stories we tell ourselves at Ponderosa, in Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany.
July 13 to August 5, premiere and season of Maneras de Salir at the GAM, Santiago de Chile
29 of June, gives workshop Should, Could, Can: Movement within the relationship of law, norm and life, a social practice in choreography and empathy, at Nave: https://nave.io/en/programa/debo-podria-puedo/
February 28 to July 12: final stage of the creation of Maneras de Salir
From March 12th to 2nd of April: Collaborative residence with argentinian choreographic artist Natalia Tencer.
February 7th to 26th, gives workshop Should, Could, Can: Movement within the relationship of law, norm and life, a social practice in choreography and empathy, at La Escuela: https://laescuela.art/es/campus/laboratories/debo-podria-puedo-varinia-canto-vila
November 1 to December 18, final creation stage and performances of Remains Persist by Moriah Evans, at Performance Space New York, USA.
6th october to 30th of October, touring of Buscando a Meg, co-creation with Alexandra Miller, Paulina Vielma y Francisca Espinoza in Parque Cultural Valparaiso, Teatro Regional del Maule and Teatro Municipal de Ovalle.
23rd and 24th september, performing Violet by Meg Stuart at Skirball Theater, in New York, USA, https://nyuskirball.org/events/meg-stuart-damaged-goods-violet/
September 16th to 1st of october: Creation of Remains Persist by Moriah Evans in New York, USA.
June 29 to August 5: residence for the creation of Maneras de Salir at Espacio Vitrina, https://espaciovitrina.cl/maneras-de-salir-varinia-canto-vila/
2022 july: creation of solo MUNDOS, with the support of Centro de Extensión del Instituto Nacional, in Santiago de Chile. Received a residency at AORCA – Portugal, in 2021 with the support of Iberescena, NOT YET PREMIERED.
April 13th to 1st of may: Creation of Remains Persist by Moriah Evans in New York, USA.
February 15 to March 13: co-creation of Confirm Humanity with Meg Stuart, performances in Lifes exhibition curated by Sram Moshayedi in Hammer museum, Los Angeles, USA, https://hammer.ucla.edu/programs-events/2022/confirm-humanity
January 28 to 30: performances of Buscando a Meg at the Santiago Off Festival, https://gam.cl/danza/buscando-a-meg/
january: HAMMAM visto como si fuera una casa ecológica autosustentable, en publicación de proyecto HAMMAM dirigido por Javiera Peón-Veira y Natalia Ramírez Püschel.
December 21, participate in the Encuentro Artístico Escenas al Siglo XXI, organized by Espacio Vitrina, showing a sketch of MUNDOS, at Espacio La Vitrina, Santiago de Chile, https://espaciovitrina.cl/9o-encuentro-al-sxxi-espacio- showcase/
From November 15 to 19, residency for the creation of Maneras de Salir (Ways to Get Out), in Nave, Santiago de Chile.
November 1st to 7th, participates in Encuentro de Prácticas Expandidas del Movimiento Cuerpo Etc, in Bogotá, Colombia, organized by the Goethe Institute Colombia.
October 11th to 3rd november: creation and performance of Restos, by Morah Evans. Created with the support of Goethe Institut Colombia, shown in Espacio Odeón in Bogotá, Colombia.
2021: August, Entre Ser y Hacer, creation in progress by Alexandra Miller and Gabriela Serani.
from 25 to 31 of July: collaborator in The Matter Lab initiated by Meg Stuart and Moriah Evans presented in Impulstanz, Viena, Austria.
26 th july, performing Violet of Meg Stuart in Impuls Tanz, https://www.impulstanz.com/en/videos/aid1206/
Residency scholarship by Iberescena, took place during the month of July in AORCA, Lagos, Portugal.
5th to 16th July, movement workshop Modulations for contemporary dancers, in Festival AORCA Summer Lab, in Lagos, Portugal.
May 31st, online Experiential lecture, part 1:
Improspekcije2021 // Varinia Canto Vila – Should/Could/Can: Movement within the relation of law and life, organized by https://improspekcije.com/en/
May 4 to May 20, experiments with Meg Stuart in Berlin, Germany.
March 24th to 2nd of may: creation and performances Naming Fiction, co-creation with Quindell Orton, supported by Hochx Theater in Munich, Germany.
May, online movement workshop for activists for a democratic virtual space, in the frame of Iterations, organized by constant association for arts and media, Belgium.
26 of June, participates in the online meeting of professional dancers in Croatia Close Encounters of a Dance Kind organized by Antisezona at the Museum of Contemporary Art de Croacia.
29 de abril, invited by Moriah Evans, particiàtes in online broadcast of performance test organized by AUNTS,
28th february to 7th march, participates in WITH organized by Meg Stuart and Goethe Institut, Munich, Germany.
31st January and 1st february, performing Violet by Meg Stuart in Pact Zolverein, Essen, Germany, https://www.pact-zollverein.de/en/programme/violet-0
December 15, performance of Throwing Case by Varinia Canto Vila, participates in Talismán/Reparación Social Textil, curated by Patricia Ruíz Delgado, Santiago de Chile.
December 7, performance of Throwing Case by Varinia Canto Vila, participates in the visual and performative arts exhibition As we advance in a dangerous place, a performative program curated by Alexandra Mabes, Santiago de Chile.
1st December, Santiago de Chile: performing Throwing Case/En Caso de Lanzar, in a community based event Dilo Bailando in an apartment.
30 November, Santiago de Chile, Laboratory Archive at Casa Danza and the public space: This laboratory seeks to understand the way in which art, body and politics enter into dialogue from a performative perspective.
18 to 22 November; 9 to 13 December 2019; and 13 to 17 Janury 2020, Santiago de Chile: New Creation: Maneras de Salir/Ways to Exit, residency at at Nave, Centro de creación y residencia, in Santiago de Chile: http://nave.io/residencias/maneras-de-salir-ways-to-exit/
9 to 16 November, Brussels, Belgium: participates/invited artist guest to Collective Conditions by Constant — Association for Art and Media. I gave a workshop on the relation between movement and law: Should – Could – Can: http://constantvzw.org/w/?u=
1-5 July, Santiago de Chile: Tutor/artist guest for the residency and formation program «Por qué me muevo» at Nave, Centro de creación y residencia, in Santiago de Chile: http://nave.io/residencias/programa-de-residencias-de-formacion-2019-por-que-me-muevo/
June 2019 to October, Santiago de Chile: co-creation of dance piece Buscando a Meg with Ale Miller, Paulina Vielma and Francisca Espinoza: https://www.m100.cl/archivo/2019/buscando-a-meg/
March 2019 to December 2020, Santiago de Chile: recipient of a research grant by chilean funds FONDART on Movement in the Relationship between law and life: La relación del movimiento entre la ley y la vida
5 – 10 June, Dresden, Germany: part of the working and preparation team of the Tanz Kogress/Dresden curated by Meg Stuart : http://www.tanzkongress2019.de/de
11th and 12th Mai, Dresden, Germany: Workshop Sould, Could, Can for Tanz Kongress/Meg Stuart: https://www.hellerau.org/de/event/tanzkongress-workshop2/
27th April, Brussels, Belgium: Workshop Intergalactic Animals – Space Shifters for Damaged Goods/Meg Stuart in Dag of de Dance: https://agenda.brussels/en/event/464948/meg-stuart-damaged-goods-dance-workshop-with-varinia-canto-vila-day-of-dance-2019.htm
Month of April, Brussels, Belgium: workshops to non-professional dancers in Maison des Femmes and Espacetous.
24th April, Leuven Belgium, Stuk, performing by getting one’s hands dirty by Varinia Canto Vila: https://www.stuk.be/nl/programma/by-getting-ones-hands-dirty
30th March 2019, Antwerpen Belgium, deSingel, performing by getting one’s hands dirty by Varinia Canto Vila, https://desingel.be/fr/programme/danse/varinia-canto-vila-by-getting-ones-hand-dirty?id=a0J0N00002rSDRFUA4
28-30 March 2019, Antwerpen, Encuentros, initiated by Fabian Barba.
24th and 25th January, Maneras de Salir/Ways to Exit (work in progress) in my father’s garden, Santiago de Chile.
1-2 December 2018, Dresden, workshop given with Meg Stuart.
17th – 20th October 2018, Bogotá, Saloon, project by Meg Stuart and Moriah Evans.
24th September to 5th October 2018, Santiago de Chile, teaching prof/training.
9 Septembre 2018, Buenos Aires – Argentina, Estudio Fraga, `performing by getting one’s hands dirty Varinia Canto Vila.
17-18 August 2018, Santiago de Chile, teaching workshop Modulations.
14th March 2018, Brussels, Volksroom, performing by getting one’s hands dirty by Varinia Canto Vila.
2nd November, Brussels, Pianofabriek, performing by getting one’s hands dirty by Varinia Canto Vila.
5th October, Kortrijk, Buda kunstencentrum: Premiere of by getting one’s hands dirty by Varinia Canto Vila.
17 June, Brussels, FESTIWOL: Cartographers by Varinia Canto Vila
20 + 21 January 2017, Brussels, first showing of Cartographers by Varinia Canto Vila.